How military leave affects your super

If you work in the Australian Defence Forces, being on military leave for Reserve or Active service can have an impact on your super.

The impact can depend on a number of factors including the type of leave and the type of super account you have with us. The following conditions can apply to your super account.

Superannuation Guarantee (SG) employer contributions during leave

If your super is paid into your GESB Super or West State Super account, your SG contributions are based on your salary. When you are on paid leave, employer contributions will be paid as normal. If you are on leave without pay (LWOP) and you don’t receive a salary, your employer contributions won’t be paid.

Your leave can also affect the insurance you might have through your super account.

How military leave affects your insurance

Military leave and Gold State Super

Normal member contributions are required during the period of your leave. You have two options:

  • You can continue to make your normal fortnightly contributions, or
  • You can defer payment of your contributions until you return from leave. In this case, when you return to work, the shortfall would need to be cleared by paying double contributions

You can’t reduce your contribution rate to zero (Reduced Benefit Option), and consequently reduce your average contribution rate, if you are on recognised unpaid military leave. See how unpaid leave affects your Gold State Super for more information.

Your period of military leave is credited as recognised service in terms of your super benefit.

How military leave affects your Gold State Super insurance

Page last updated 10 August 2021