Benefits of contributing

Watch this video to find out the benefits of making contributions

You’re probably already growing your retirement savings through the 11% compulsory Super Guarantee or SG contributions made by your employer.

But these employer contributions alone, might not be enough for you to continue doing the things you love when you're no longer working.

To afford a ‘comfortable’ lifestyle when you retire, and have access to things such as private health insurance, internet at home, going out for dinner or taking holidays, you might want to think about boosting your savings by making extra contributions to your super account, starting today.

There are benefits to making extra contributions

  • It’s cost-effective to add money to your account with us, as there’s generally no cost to do so
  • It’s easy - you can boost your super by making payments through BPAY, by cheque or even by money order
    Please note: we are required to send you confirmation every time you make a contribution using BPAY.
  • If you’re a WA public sector employee, you can make extra contributions through your employer
  • You have the flexibility to start, stop, or change how much you want to add, whenever you like
  • There could be tax benefits as super is generally taxed at 15%, when you make your contributions, which is generally less than the tax you pay on your income, or your ‘marginal tax rate’
  • Your investment option could also be more tax-effective.
    If you have a GESB Super account, your earnings are only taxed at 15% when compared to investments outside of super which may be taxed at up to 49%

Making extra contributions is easy

Let us know how much you’re willing to give up from your take-home pay, and we’ll help you work out the most effective way for you to make your contributions, by using our Contributions calculator.

Limits apply

Please note that there are limits to how much you can add to your super each year. The general concessional (before-tax) contributions cap for GESB Super is currently $27,500 per financial year1.

1 For the 2023/24 financial year. The concessional contributions cap is indexed annually in line with Average Weekly Ordinary Time Earnings in increments of $2,500 rounded down.

Page last updated 14 March 2024