How to claim or vary a tax deduction

GESB Super members only

You may be able to claim a tax deduction for personal concessional contributions you have made to your GESB Super account.

Follow the steps below to help you find the relevant information and complete the form.

1. Download the fact sheet and form

If you want to claim a tax deduction on a personal contribution that you’ve made to your account, you need to:

  1. Fill in the 'Notice of intent to claim or vary a tax deduction' form for that financial year
  2. Receive a confirmation from us
  3. Submit your tax return for that year

First, download the ‘How to claim or vary a tax deduction for personal contributions’ fact sheet for the relevant financial year below.

You will need to print the ‘Notice of intent to claim or vary a tax deductionform on pages 3 and 4. You might like to use this page as a guide as you complete each section of the form.

2. Read the fact sheet so you know how the tax deduction works

Please read the ‘How to claim or vary a tax deduction for personal contributions’ fact sheet carefully to make sure your application is valid.

The fact sheet explains the conditions you need to meet to be eligible to claim a tax deduction. Special rules apply when you have withdrawn or rolled over part of your benefit, or if you are a high-income earner.

We recommend that you seek professional financial advice and/or tax advice if you wish to claim a deduction for your super contributions. This is a complex area and it’s important to confirm your eligibility, particularly if there are other tax considerations.

If you have any questions, please contact your Member Services Centre on 13 43 72.

3. Provide your personal details

Once you’ve confirmed your eligibility, complete the 'Notice of intent to claim or vary a tax deduction' form on pages 3 and 4.

This image shows Section 1 - 'Your details' of the Notice of intent to claim or vary a tax deduction form. In this section, you need to provide your GESB Super member number and personal details including your title, surname, given name or names, date of birth, gender, phone number, address, tax file number or TFN, and email address. It's not an offence for you not to provide us with your TFN. However, if you don't provide your TFN, we will not be permitted to accept the contributions covered by this notice.

Provide your details in the first section, including your member number, name, date of birth, contact details and tax file number.

You can find your member number and account details on your member statement. To view your statement, log in to Member Online.

4. Tell us if this is a new notice or you are varying an earlier notice

This image shows section 2 of the form – 'Tax notice for the financial year ending 30 June 2024'. In this section, you need to confirm that you are an eligible person and you intend to claim a tax deduction for your personal super contributions to your GESB Super account nominated in Section 1, for the financial year ending 30 June 2024. If this is a notice varying an earlier notice, tick ‘Yes’ and sign at section 4; if not, tick ‘No’ and sign at section 3. Please note you can only vary a previous notice of intent to reduce (including to nil) the amount you are claiming as a deduction. If you want to increase the amount you are claiming as a deduction, you will need to complete section 3 of this form, as a second notice is required specifying the additional amount you wish to claim. At the end of the section is a note stating that personal contributions for which you claim a personal tax deduction are not eligible for the Commonwealth Government Super Co-contribution.

You need to confirm that you are an eligible person, and you intend to claim a tax deduction. If this is the first notice for that financial year, tick the ‘No’ box and move to section 3. If you have previously lodged a notice to claim a tax deduction form for that financial year and you want to reduce the amount you want to claim the deduction on, then tick the ‘Yes’ box and move straight to section 4.

If you want to increase the amount you want to claim the deduction on, then you’ll need to complete section 3.

5. Tell us the amount you want to claim a tax deduction on

In the first box, you need to tell us the amount of your personal contributions covered by this notice in the financial year you are claiming for.

This image shows section 3 of the form - 'Intention to claim a tax deduction’. Complete this section if you have not previously lodged a valid notice for these contributions, or you have previously lodged a notice but wish to increase the amount stated in that notice. Enter your personal contributions covered by this notice in the above financial year in the box provided. Please note, you should not include any amounts covered by a previous valid notice unless you are varying the amount to be deducted. Next, enter the amount of these personal contributions you will be claiming as a tax deduction in the box provided.

In the second box, you need to tell us the amount of these contributions that you are claiming a deduction on. If you are increasing the amount claimed from a previous notice, please provide the extra amount you would like to claim.

Next, you’ll need to carefully read the declaration to make sure you meet all the requirements.

This image shows part of ‘Section 3 – Intention to claim a tax deduction’. In this section, you need to declare that you are lodging this notice at the earlier of either: 1. Before the end of the day that I lodged my income tax return for the income year in which the personal contributions covered by this notice were made, OR 2. Before the end of the income year following the year in which the contribution was made. You also need to declare that at the time of lodging this notice: 1. You are a member of the super fund stated in section 1, and the super fund stated in Section 1 still holds these contributions. 2. You have not elected at any time to treat these contributions as downsizer contributions 3. These contributions have not been the subject of a notice of re-contribution to the ATO Commissioner made in order to avoid liability for First Home Super Saver tax. 4. You have not elected at any time to treat these contributions as a COVID-19 re-contribution 5. This super fund has not begun to pay a superannuation income stream based in whole or part on these contributions. 6. You intend to claim the personal contributions stated in this Section as a tax deduction. 7. If you have withdrawn or rolled over a part of your super benefit, you will not be given a deduction note for the entire contribution 8. You have not included these contributions in an earlier valid notice. 9. Where you have reached age 67 but not yet age 75, you confirm that you have worked at least 40 hours in a period of 30 consecutive days in the financial year (the work test), or you are exempt from the work test as you meet the following conditions: you have met the work test in the previous financial year, and you had a total superannuation balance of less than $300,000 at the end of the previous financial year, and you haven’t previously relied on the work test exemption to make contributions. 10. You have read the section ‘Important information about your concessional contributions cap’ on page 2 of the fact sheet and confirm the amount you intend to claim as a tax deduction will not exceed your concessional contributions cap. 11. You acknowledge and understand that this notice cannot be withdrawn or revoked by you once it has been received by GESB. The information given on this notice is correct and complete. You then need to sign and date your completed form.

If you are unsure about any of the declaration statements, contact us on 13 43 72 for more information.

Then sign and date the form.

6. Are you reducing the amount you want to claim a tax deduction on?

This image shows part of ‘Section 4 - Variation of previous valid deduction notice’. Complete this section if you have already lodged a valid notice for these contributions and wish to reduce the amount stated in that notice. Enter your personal contributions covered by this notice in the above financial year in the box provided. Next, enter the amount of these personal contributions claimed in your original notice of intent in the box provided. Finally, enter the amount of these personal contributions you will now be claiming as a tax deduction in the box provided.

Use this section if you want to reduce the amount you previously advised us you want to claim a deduction on:

  • In the first box - tell us the amount of your personal contributions covered by this notice in the financial year you are claiming for
  • In the second box - tell us the amount that you previously advised you wanted to claim a tax deduction on (you will find this in the confirmation letter we sent you after receiving your previous notice of intent form)
  • In the third box - tell us the amount of these contributions that you are now claiming a deduction on

Next, you’ll need to carefully read the declaration to make sure you meet all the requirements.

This image shows part of ‘Section 4 - Variation of previous valid deduction notice’. In this section, you need to carefully read the declaration and make sure you meet all the requirements. You need to declare that at the time of lodging this notice: 1. You are a member of the super fund stated in section 1. 2. The super fund stated in section 1 still holds these contributions and has not begun to pay a superannuation income stream based in whole or part on these contributions 3. You intend to claim the personal contributions stated in this section as a tax deduction. You also need to declare that you wish to vary the amount on your previous valid notice for these contributions by reducing the amount you advised in your previous notice and confirm one of the following: 1. You have lodged your income tax return for the year in which the contribution was made, before the end of the following income year, and this variation notice is being lodged before the end of the day on which the return was lodged 2. You have not yet lodged your income tax return for the relevant year and this variation notice is being lodged on or before 30 June in the financial year following the year in which the personal contributions covered by this notice were made. 3. The ATO has disallowed your claim for a deduction for the relevant year and this notice reduces the amount stated in your previous valid notice by the amount that has been disallowed. You acknowledge and understand that this notice cannot be withdrawn or revoked once it has been received by GESB. The information given on this notice is correct and complete. You then need to sign and date your completed form.

If you are unsure about any of the declaration statements, contact us on 13 43 72 for more information.

Then sign and date the form.

7. Send the form in

Now that you’ve completed and signed the ‘Notice to vary or claim a tax deduction form’, please send your completed form to us at:

PO Box J 755
Perth WA 6842

Australia Post can take up to six business days to deliver regular mail. Please take this into account when submitting any forms or documents to us, especially when you need to meet a processing deadline.

We’re here to help

If you have questions about claiming a tax deduction on your contributions or need more help with the form, please contact us. We’re available on 13 43 72 Monday to Friday, 7.30am to 5.30pm (AWST), or via Live chat until 5.15pm.

Page last updated 29 November 2023