Investment options - RI Term Allocated Pension Mix Your plan

An RI Term Allocated Pension is a retirement income product that was closed to new members in 2007. A term allocated pension provides you with a regular income stream for a set period of time that is determined by you.

To help you grow your super, we offer a range of investment plans targeting different levels of risk and return, designed to give you a choice as to how your money is invested. You can choose one of the four Readymade plans or personally select to invest your super in any single asset class, or a mixture of all five asset classes called Mix Your plan. Find out more about making an investment plan choice.

Plan details
Plan Australian Shares
International Shares
Fixed Interest
Product dashboard Product dashboard Product dashboard Product dashboard Product dashboard
Level of investment risk by Standard Risk Measure bands Very high
7 out of 7
6 out of 7
6 out of 7
4 out of 7
Very low
1 out of 7
Investment return objective To outperform the plan's benchmark index over rolling 3 year periods To outperform the plan's benchmark index over rolling 3 year periods To outperform the plan's benchmark index over rolling 3 year periods To outperform the plan's benchmark index over rolling 3 year periods To achieve a return of at least the Bloomberg AusBond Bank Bill Index over rolling 12 month periods
Growth/Defensive split^
Level of investment risk - estimated number of negative annual returns over any 20-year period Greater than 6 Less than 6 Less than 6 Less than 3 Less than 0.5
Investment timeframe 10 years or more 10 years or more 10 years or more 1 to 3 years Around 12 months
Statement of fees and other costs+ $315 $270 $330 $240 $170
Plan details Plan details Plan details Plan details Plan details
Net investment returns as at 31 March 2024++
Plan Australian Shares
International Shares
Fixed Interest
Plan details Plan details Plan details Plan details Plan details
Last month (%) 3.77% 2.94% 0.00% 1.16% 0.35%
FYTD (%) 13.96% 17.06% 0.00% 4.07% 3.31%
1 year (%) 15.14% 24.64% 0.00% 1.99% 4.25%
3 years (% p.a.) 10.78% 10.41% -2.89% -1.95% 2.03%
5 years (% p.a.) 9.92% 11.28% -2.42% 0.01% 1.52%
10 years (% p.a.) 8.61% 10.58% 2.97% 1.68% 1.64%
Plan details Plan details Plan details Plan details Plan details
Strategic Asset Allocation (SAA)
Plan Australian Shares
International Shares
Fixed Interest
Plan details Plan details Plan details Plan details Plan details
Australian Shares
International Shares
Fixed Interest
Actual allocation Actual allocation Actual allocation Actual allocation Actual allocation
  • Asset type:
  • Growth
  • Defensive
  • Part Growth and Defensive

The risk level is based upon the Standard Risk Measure. The SRM is based on industry guidance developed to allow members to compare investment options that are expected to deliver a similar number of negative returns over a 20-year period.

^ The Growth/Defensive split is the target allocation mix of Growth and Defensive assets.

+ Statement of fees and other costs are based on fees over the 2022/23 financial year. For information on other fees and costs, see our schedule of fees brochure.

++ Returns are reported after factoring in the investment fees and costs, and are based on transactional prices, and inclusive of franking credits. The investment fees and costs include all investment costs, transaction costs and any other underlying costs relating to your investment.

All Mix Your plan strategies may contain a small strategic allocation to Cash for liquidity purposes. Mix Your plan Property option generally only invests in listed Property investments and is 100% hedged in Australian dollars. Mix Your plan International Shares is partially hedged into Australian dollars. Mix Your plan Fixed Interest invests in Investment Grade Bonds.

Our schemes are Exempt Public Sector Superannuation Schemes and are regulated by the WA State Government and not the Commonwealth Government.

The State Government guarantees to pay every benefit payable under a scheme, including the accumulation, retirement and defined benefit schemes. This Benefit Payment Guarantee does not include investment market losses.

The performance of your investment plan is not guaranteed and returns may move up or down depending on factors such as investment market conditions. Past performance should not be relied on as an indication of future performance.