Investment returns

Investment returns by month - RI Allocated Pension

Readymade plans

Mix Your plan

Investment returns by financial year - RI Allocated Pension

Readymade plans

Mix Your plan

Investment returns - RI Allocated Pension

Growth plan Sustainable Balanced plan Balanced plan Conservative plan Cash plan
Risk level High High Medium to high Medium Very low
Last month (%) 2.65% 1.82% 2.07% 1.34% 0.36%
FYTD (%) 11.79% ... 9.29% 6.59% 3.43%
1 Year (%) 14.62% ... 10.89% 7.21% 4.41%
3 Years (% p.a.) 7.87% ... 5.63% 2.98% 2.19%
5 Years (% p.a.) 7.84% ... 6.14% 3.44% 1.68%
10 Years (% p.a.) 7.82% ... 6.57% 4.18% 1.95%
Since inception
... 11.03% ... ... ...
MIX YOUR PLAN AS AT 31 March 2024
Australian Shares International Shares Property Fixed Interest Cash
Risk level Very high High High Medium Very low
Last month (%) 3.74% 2.95% 3.59% 1.16% 0.36%
FYTD (%) 14.10% 17.20% 7.54% 4.18% 3.43%
1 Year (%) 15.31% 24.83% 8.84% 2.14% 4.41%
3 Years (% p.a.) 10.92% 10.59% 0.64% -1.78% 2.19%
5 Years (% p.a.) 10.02% 11.46% -0.23% 0.18% 1.68%
10 Years (% p.a.) 8.89% 10.92% 4.45% 1.98% 1.95%

Investment update – 2022/23 financial year

Share markets rebounded strongly over the past 12 months despite high inflation, rising interest rates and isolated areas of stress.

Find out more

See risk explained or view unit price explained.

Returns are reported after factoring in the investment fees and costs and applicable taxes, and are based on transactional prices. The investment fees and costs include all investment costs, transaction costs and any other underlying costs relating to your investment. Longer term returns are not available for Sustainable Balanced therefore since inception (2/10/2023) has been included for this plan only.

The performance of your investment plan is not guaranteed and returns may move up or down depending on factors such as investment market conditions. Past performance should not be relied on as an indication of future performance.

The risk level is based upon the Standard Risk Measure (SRM). The SRM is based on industry guidance developed to allow members to compare investment options that are expected to deliver a similar number of negative returns over a 20 year period.