Access and inclusion – member and community feedback form

We are committed to providing accessible and inclusive services and information.

Your feedback will help us to identify and remove barriers, and support accessibility planning.

If you have any questions or need help completing this form, please contact our Access and Inclusion Coordinator on (08) 6551 7743 or by emailing

Required fields are marked with an asterisk (*).

1. Physical access barriers

Have you experienced any difficulties or barriers preventing access to GESB buildings or events?

2. Access to information – forms, brochures or Product Information Booklets

Have you had problems requesting information or documents from us in alternative formats, such as braille, audio, large print or electronic format?

3. Access to our website – Accessibility page

Have you had any difficulties accessing the Accessibility page on our website and/or the documents on the page?

4. Barriers due to staff awareness and skills

Have you experienced any issues with staff awareness of the needs of people with disability when contacting us by phone, through our website or when attending one of our information sessions?

5. Public consultation, decision making or complaints grievance process

Have you encountered any barriers when participating in public consultations or decision making, or when making a complaint or grievance about our services, products or facilities? For example, difficulty finding out how to make a complaint.

6. Opportunities to obtain and maintain employment

Have you experienced any barriers to accessing job opportunities with us? For example, difficulty accessing the application form, or the job description not being available in an alternative format.

7. General comments, ideas and initiatives

8. About you

Please select the relevant box for the option that best describes you. *