How does the Sustainable Balanced plan align with GESB’s overall approach to responsible investing?

GESB incorporates ESG considerations throughout the investment process, starting with setting the investment strategy through to engaging with investee companies and proxy voting.

For the Sustainable Balanced plan, Pendal is the investment manager. Pendal’s integration of ESG considerations is an extension of our approach to responsible investing. When determining the investment strategy within each asset class, Pendal has identified ESG criteria and applied exclusions to incorporate ESG factors into investment decisions.

In line with our responsible investing approach, Pendal engage with the management of the companies and issuers it invests in on a range of ESG matters to understand and manage ESG risks while promoting good ESG practices. Pendal will also carry out proxy voting on shareholder resolutions applicable to the securities within the plan that they manage on our behalf.

Page last updated 27 September 2023