West State Super fees and other costs

Below is a general guide to the fees and costs for your West State Super account. Other fees, such as fees for personal advice and insurance fees, might be charged, depending on the advice or insurance you choose. Entry fees and exit fees will not be charged.

If you’d like to calculate the effect of fees and costs on your West State Super account, try our Retirement planning calculator.

West State Super fees and costs summary

West State Super fees

Type of fee or cost

Amount How and when paid

Ongoing annual fees and costs1


Administration fees and costs
The fee for managing your account

$66 p.a. ($5.50 per month) as an account keeping fee
0.04% p.a. of your monthly account balance

Deducted each month from your account

Investment fees and costs2

Estimated to be between 0.06% p.a. and 0.41% p.a. of the value of your investment, depending on which investment plan you choose

Fees and costs that relate to the investment of assets that are not charged directly to your account as an administration fee or other fee. These costs are deducted from the fund assets, before the unit price is calculated on a daily basis

Transaction costs

Estimated to be between 0% p.a. and 0.14% p.a. of the value of your investment, depending on which investment plan you choose

Transaction costs are costs incurred when assets are bought and sold. Transaction costs are incurred over the course of the year and disclosed as a percentage of the average assets of the relevant investment option3

Member activity related fees and costs


Buy-sell spread


Not applicable

Switching fee
The fee for changing your investment option


Not applicable

Other fees and costs


Other fees and costs such as activity fees, advice fees or insurance fees may apply. Please refer to the ‘Additional explanation of fees and costs’ section on page 5 of the West State Super Product Information Booklet.

For more information on the types of fees and costs that may apply to your account, see our West State Super schedule of fees.

We may make changes to the fees we charge

From time to time, we might need to change our fees to make sure the structure and level of fees is appropriate, including any extra costs from any government taxes or statutory charges.

We’ll always let you know about any changes through our website or through your member statement. If the change is an increase in fees or charges, we’ll give you at least 30 days’ notice.

1 If your account balance is less than $6,000 at the end of the financial year, certain fees and costs charged to you in relation to administration and investment are capped at 3% of the account balance. Any amount charged in excess of that cap must be refunded.
2 Investment fees and costs include an amount of 0.00% p.a.% to 0.05% p.a. for performance fees. The calculation basis for this amount is set out under the ‘Additional explanation of fees and costs’ section on page 5 of the West State Super Product Information Booklet. Please note, the transaction costs percentage is also included in the investment fees and costs percentage shown in the table.
3 Please see ‘Additional explanation of fees and costs’ section on page 5 of the West State Super Product Information Booklet, which provides further detail about the items included in transaction costs.

Page last updated 13 October 2023