Insurance options if you’re a casual employee

As a casual employee, you don’t usually receive automatic insurance cover with your GESB Super or West State Super account.

Have you recently started as a casual?

You may be able to opt in for what’s known as ‘basic cover’ within 90 days of us receiving your first employer Superannuation Guarantee (SG) contribution, without the need for a medical assessment.

Generally, to be eligible to opt in you must also be:

Opt in for insurance

To see the basic cover amounts available based on your age and the number of hours a week that you work, read our Insurance and your super brochure.

Need more than basic cover?

If you’d like more cover than the basic cover amount, you can also complete a full insurance application. You might need a medical assessment and your application will need to be accepted by our Insurer, AIA Australia.

You may like to opt in for basic cover first and then apply for additional cover.

Apply in Member Online

Been working as a casual for a while?

If you’ve been a casual employee and received your first employer SG contribution more than 90 days ago, you can still apply for insurance cover. You will need to complete a full insurance application. You might need a medical assessment and your application will need to be accepted by our Insurer, AIA Australia.

Apply for insurance cover

Changed from casual to non-casual work?

If you were initially employed on a casual basis, and you are later made permanent or employed on a contract (not as a casual) with the same employer, we may provide you with Special Conditions Cover, subject to certain eligibility rules from a date determined by GESB and our Insurer.

See our Insurance and your super brochure for details of Special Conditions Cover.

Page last updated 18 March 2024